Thanks a bunch for your suggestion, although not
directly, it pointed me the right way to understanding
how this whole thing really works.
(what I had to realize was that in these situations I
have to write out all the variants explicitly, like 

\tag #'one { f8[ f] } \tag #'two { f4 } 
\tag #'three \tag #'four s4 

Before I would do just those first two without stating
skips in those other two tags and it would cause a
mess... )

Now I can at least produce "almost" correct output,
there just one more thing I need to take care of. My
actual code now looks like:

\new Staff << 
  \new Voice = "sopran" { \voiceOne \keepWithTag #'one
\Ksopran }
  \context Voice = "alt" { \voiceTwo \keepWithTag
#'one \Kalt }
  \context Voice = "alt" { \voiceTwo \keepWithTag
#'three \Kalt }

In the soprano voice there are only two variants - no
problem there. Now when it comes to alto I can now get
lily to print correct notes on correct places, there
is just one problem - for for notes that are common to
both expressions it would not merge the noteheads - as
if the other input was voiseFour. (see the attached
picture) What I need is to have just one notehead
there without the other to be seen. I tried to change
the collision settings ( shiftOff etc. ) but with no
Any ideas how to do this?

Jan Janovcik

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