
Does anyone have any experience successfully embedding lily pdf output
in InDesign?

I start by creating a new InDesign doc and then placing the
lily-generated pdf in the InDesign doc. Just to test I then export as
pdf, and the results are pretty bad. Staff lines, ledger lines, beams
and hairpins show up fine; but all noteheads, accidentals, and text
are missing. My conclusion is that all font elements are missing (the
cheese fonts for the music elements, and New Century Schoolbook for
the text).

So is there anyone out there putting lily-generated pdfs into InDesign

(I would prefer to keep everything in lily, but using any fonts in
lily at all other than New Century Schoolbook causes explosions when I
send the pdf to the printers.)

Trevor Bača
... like the dew, or like lightning ...
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