On Sat, Aug 19, 2006 at 08:55:29PM +0200, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

> Steve D wrote:
> >I recently notated a piano piece that has repeated dotted eighth-note
> >chords, and the dots look too close to the following chord. I would love
> >to be able to add a little space between the dots and the chord that
> >follows, for example. (see attached GIF graphic)

> Hi,
> The real problem is that the dots should either be moved closer to the 
> note in tight situations (preferred, but hard to do) or that the notes 
> should be forced apart farther when there are dots: that should be 
> doable.  Would you want to sponsor that?

Thank you for your reply Han-Wen. When Mats Bengtsson mentioned that my
previously attached GIF which illustrated some crowded dotted eigth-note
chords looked like it might be a bug, I decided to take those same notes
out of the context of my piano piece and piano staff, and place them in
a minimal LilyPond file. In that new context, with the same notes and
chords, the dots are not crowded for some reason. I have attached a GIF
graphic of this lilypond file:

--- LilyPond test file below ---

% example of spacing of dotted chords containing intervals of a second

\version "2.9.14"

\paper {}

\header {}

\score {
   \new Staff \relative c' { \key d \major
   \times 2/3 { <d d'>4~ <d g> a' } <d, e a>8.~ <d fis a>8. <d e a>8~ |
   <d e a>16~ <d fis a>8. <d e a>8.~ <d fis a>8. <d e a>8.~ <d fis a>8. |
   <c e a>8.~ <c f a>8. <c e a>8.~ <c f a>8. <c e a>8.~ <c f a>16~ |
   <c f a>8 <c e a>8.~ <c f a>8. <c e a>8.~ <c f a>16~ <c f a>4 |
   \layout { }
   \midi { \tempo 4=160 }

--- end of LilyPond test file ---

[see attached GIF graphic for output of this file, and compare it to the
GIF attached to my previous message in this thread]

I'm in the mood to sponsor LilyPond again, so if this turns out to be a
bug of some sort, I will find some other worthy feature or work to
sponsor in LilyPond. ;-)

best wishes,

Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it.  -Henry
David Thoreau

Attachment: horiz-spacing4.gif
Description: GIF image

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