Steve D wrote:
Hello all--
I would like to sponsor a feature, if it does not already exist in
LilyPond and if Han-Wen thinks it would be practical to implement:
the ability to quickly and easily add or subtract a little horizontal
space between musical elements in a staff, something like \hspace does
within markup.
I recently notated a piano piece that has repeated dotted eighth-note
chords, and the dots look too close to the following chord. I would love
to be able to add a little space between the dots and the chord that
follows, for example. (see attached GIF graphic)
Anyway, if Han-Wen thinks that this is a feature that would benefit
LilyPond and its users and if it is not too difficult to implement
without all kinds of possibly bad side effects, then I would like to
sponsor it.
The real problem is that the dots should either be moved closer to the
note in tight situations (preferred, but hard to do) or that the notes
should be forced apart farther when there are dots: that should be
doable. Would you want to sponsor that?
Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
LilyPond Software Design
-- Code for Music Notation
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