Andre Schnoor wrote:
Er, no. These are three distinctive chords:
Xdim = 1, b3, b5
Xm.dim7 = 1, b3, b5, b7
Xdim7 = 1, 3, b5, b7
One may argue that "m.dim7" is a weird exception in that is uses that
fancy dot. Alternatively "X(b5,b7)" would be more precise, but nobody
uses that in practice. This chord, BTW, is used frequently in
classical music. It is symmterical, such that, for example in 12TET tuning
Cm.dim 7 = Ebm.dim7 = Gbm.dim7 = Am.dim7
That chord is the one written Xdim7 in both classical and jazz.
The chord you write Xdim7 = 1, 3, b5, b7 where your b7 is ambiguous (is
it a minor seventh or a diminished seventh) by your notation must have a
major third on the bottom making it some kind of major or dominant
chord. Maybe it would be better if you would use example notes like:
Cm7(-5) = C, Eb, Gb, Bb (also called half diminished) (also written
with a small circle with a slash)
Cdim7 = C, Eb, Gb, Bbb (also called fully diminished) (also written
with a small circle)
In any case, this chord is important.
It certainly is and it is written dim7 not m.dim7.
Paul Scott
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