Looks good, but regarding the 1st two chords, I would go with

> dim
> dim7

C Eb Gb A  (Bbb)
instead of 

unless you are wanting to spell C Eb G A

-----Original Message-----
>From: Andre Schnoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 8, 2006 1:54 PM
>To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
>Subject: Chord naming conventions (was: triangle chord notation)
>Maybe this could contribute to the discussion regarding chord input 
>syntax. Below is an excerpt of chord names which are currently supported 
>by my software Harmony Navigator. Last year I've had a fruitful 
>discussion on rec.music.theory with Joey Goldstein. I found his 
>suggested "standard" quite usefull, because it is relatively easy to 
>parse and a human-readable standard at the same time.
>The general idea is to have some convenience shortcuts immediately 
>following the root pitch (e.g. 'maj7', 'm', '7') that start an initial 
>interval structure. Then, additional intervals can be added in brackets, 
>each separated by a comma. A software can either lookup shortcuts in a 
>dictionary/map or parse the list of intervals in the brackets and add 
>them to the final structure. That's the input so far.
>Regarding the printed output, I'd like to suggest a dictionary/map that 
>maps interval structures to text/graphics markups. This map can be 
>customized to arbitrary styles without problems. If a certain entry is 
>missing from the map, the original input string could be used as a 
>fallback, printed with an uppercase intial letter and the rest in 
>The parsing is unambigous in any case, while printing becomes a matter 
>of taste and personal preference to a large extent. I believe that is 
>ok. What do you think?
> dim
> m.dim7
> m7(b5)
> m
> m6
> m7
> m7sus
> m7(b9)
> m9
> m11
> m13
> m(maj7)
> m6(add9)
> m(#5)
> m7(#5)
> (b5)
> dim7
> 7(b5)
> 7(b5,#9)
> maj7(b5)
>''  empty = Major
> (add2)
> (add4)
> 6(add4)
> 6
> 7
> 7(b9)
> 7(b9,#9)
> 9
> 7(9,11,13)
> 7(9,#11)
> 7(9,13)
> 7(#9)
> 7(13)
> maj7
> maj7(add4)
> maj7(9)
> maj7(9,11)
> maj7(13)
> (add9)
> 6(add9)
> aug
> 7(#5)
> maj7(#5)
> sus2
> sus4
> 7sus
> 7sus4(10)
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