In Chord symbol notation, a plain "7" refers to the dominant 7th or V7 interval 
which would include the major 3 which gives the tritone interval.  The minor 
7th chords are the II7, III7 and VI7.  These chords do not include a tritone.  
A minor chord with a Major 7 essentially functions as a I minor chord or tonic 
function chord.  Essentially the problem is many people don't understand that 
dominant chords like C7 have nothing to do with the key of C.  Rather they are 
V7 chords, and in the case of the C7, it is a V7 in the key of F.  Thus the 
relationship of the 3rd's in the chord is completely diatonic - using only 
notes of the F major scale.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Michael J Millett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 8, 2006 2:12 PM
>Subject: Re: triangle chord notation
>Here is how I understand it: Jazz/pop chord symbols are to be 
>considered literal. That means, the key signature is Not Ever to be 
>considered. A 6 is always a major sixth. A seventh is always a minor 
>seventh. A 9 is always a major ninth. An 11 is always a P11, and a 13 
>is always a major 13.
>When alterations are made, the literal accidental should be used. But . 
>. .
>But, at least in usage, this is where the system breaks down. 
>Sometimes, # means raised, b means lowered, from the conventions listed 
>above. Figuring out which is which, is usually a matter of common 
>sense. Though, I have run across a few that have not been clear.
>Consider the following (difficult to typeset in normal text) Ab (b9).  
>Spelled Ab C Eb Gb Bbb (or A). b9 refers to the fact that the ninth is 
>not a major ninth, but is lowered from the conventional. The other 
>possibility is Ab {bb9). This is messy, and not appropriate for chord 
>symbols, which, ironically, are probably designed to simplify matters.
>In regards to the Cm#7: I have always seen this written as Cm (maj 7), 
>making it clear that the 7th is not the conventional minor 7th. The 
>other possibility is Cm (?7). However, #7 makes perfect sense when 
>considered with the convention. It means "the seventh is raised from 
>the conventional." Key signatures don't count when using chord symbols.
>I hope this helps :)
>On Aug 8, 2006, at 2:01 PM, Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:
>> No, the #7 notation is only valid for chords based on the melodic minor
>> scale.  In the USA we would typically call this for example CmM7 in 
>> Europe
>> they may call it Cm#7 in both cases the note stack is the same <c ef g 
>> b>.
>> Speaking it, it's called "the minor major seventh chord", check out 
>> the song
>> "When You Wish Upon A Star" for an example.
>> Of course #7 makes no sense at all on major chords, because #7 is the 
>> root!
>> -- 
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