Please always try to turn your example .ly code into a full
example that others can run and try directly. As long as you
keep the attachments small, you can also include a PNG or whatever
of the output in your email.

There's one detail about the << \\ >> construct that's only shown in the
examples but not explained in the text (as far as I can see), namely that
the first and the third voices will have stems pointing upwards and the
second and fourth will have stems pointing downwards. Also, in the
third and fourth voices, the notes will be moved to the side to avoid
collisions. Therefore, the easiest solution for your is to add an empty
second voice:
\version "2.8.0"
\new Staff  {
\time 3/4
<< {s4. fis8-. r r | d-. r r
   ais-. r r | fis-. r r d-. r r |
   ais-. r r fis-.
   r r } \\ {} \\ { \stemUp d2.( | d)( |  d)(  |  d) } >>

or to explicitly say \voiceThree for your second voice:
\new Staff  {
\time 3/4
<< {s4. fis8-. r r | d-. r r
   ais-. r r | fis-. r r d-. r r |
   ais-. r r fis-.
   r r } \\ { \voiceThree \stemUp d2.( | d)( |  d)(  |  d) } >>

Rick Hogg wrote:

I have a measure where I'm using << \\ >>, but I need
the stems for both voices to go up.  Lily keeps giving
me this error: warning: ignoring too many
clashing note columns
        \change Staff = upper<< {s4. fis'''8-. r r | d-. r r
ais-. r r | fis-. r r d-. r r | ais-. r r fis-.
r r } \\ { \stemUp d2.( | d)( | \once \override
NoteColumn #'X-offset = #1.3 { d)( } | \once \override
NoteColumn #'X-offset = #1.3 { d) } } >> |

I have that for three measures, and I get the error
for all three.  I try the x-offset, but it doesn't
work either.  Here's my code for one of the measures:


        \change Staff = upper<< {s4. fis'''8-. r r | d-. r r
ais-. r r | fis-. r r d-. r r | ais-. r r fis-. r r }
\\ { \stemUp d2.( | d)( | \once \override NoteColumn
#'X-offset = #1.3 { d)( } | \once \override NoteColumn
#'X-offset = #1.3 { d) } } >> |


Any help would be much appreciated.  On a similar
note, is there anywhere we can post code, output, and
what it  _should_ look like so that others can see
what we're talking about and try to help?


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        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
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