Stephen Torri wrote:

In my files here I put your markup lines just to see what it did. What I
found was that I got the diagram but no name above it. I have looked at
the documentation but I am not sure how to give a name to the chord

I see other examples that do have the chord names above the fret diagram
but those situations have the chord names listed in a chordname element.
So the chord name is displayed above the fret diagram in the appropriate
Then I would use an ordinary ChordNames context for the chord names which
means that you would need to place also the fret diagrams in a context that
can align them "rhythmically" to the chord names, preferably a Lyrics context.

 \new ChordNames \chordmode {
 \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
   \markup {\fret-diagram #"4-2-2;3-1-1;2-o;1-o;" }
   \markup {\fret-diagram #"4-2-2;3-1-1;2-o;1-o;" }
} >>

Note that this separate \score{...} block can be placed below the \score{...} for your
ordinary music if you wish.

You may want to add
 ragged-right = ##t
   \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #2.0

to get a nicer horizontal spacing, see "Spacing Lyrics" in the manual.


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