In fact, this is the same staff, but I would like to put some information (this is not the name of instrument) that changes during the music. I use one staff, because bar numbers
and all others things are shared among the staffs...
I could do such a thing before, and now, I can't. Why ?
Is there some (even complex) workaround ?

thank you for your answer.


I may have completely misunderstood your question. If so, please excuse me!

As I see it you seem to be trying to start new staffs by using a \break command. As far as LilyPond is concerned, however, you only have one staff, and it seems to pick the one that comes closest to the start of the music (ie 'First.') I don't really remember, but it's possible the way Staff.instr was handled changed somewhere between 2.6 and 2.8.

Anyway, Lilypond can do this for you automatically, (and the bar numbers will be corrct as well, and everything will line up correctly!) Have a look at Section 2.8 (More staves) in the manual.

To get you started, here's how I would write your code:

  title = "Staff.instr ?"

musique = \relative {
  c d e f g a b c

\relative {
    \new Staff{
      \set Staff.instrument ="Test"

    \new Staff {
      \set Staff.instrument ="First"
    \new Staff{
      \set Staff.instrument ="Second"
    \new Staff{
      \set Staff.instrument ="Last"


Hope this helps!

Cameron Horsburgh

/dev/random says:
Dinner not ready: (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza

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