----- Original Message -----
To: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 7:48 AM
Subject: Codas - STILL can't get it right...
I've upgraded to mingw 2.8.2 ...
Firstly, thanks for the tip about page-spacing.ly. This looks exactly
like what I want ... except I can't find any docu except the example
itself, and cut-n-pasting seems to have no effect :-( (I've looked in
the manual index, and in the html internal thingy which I used IE's
search on)
page-spacing.ly reveals all the defaults. I does not demonstrate how to
change the defaults. Off-hand, I do not know how to change them. ...Well,
maybe it does show you how. I seems to be using a new override called
\overrideProperty. The printing of properties is meant to help you find the
property you want to change. If you want to print the defaults on another
project, add the print-score-with-defaults function from the top of
page-spacing.ly. Otherwise you need to be more specific about what about the
file you like.
OK, I get the error message 'The PostScript backend does not support the
'classic' framework. Use the EPS backend instead,
lilypond -b eps <file>
or remove the lilypond-book specific settings from the input."
lilypond-book is something I have no experience with.
And I still can't get my "DS al Coda" and coda symbols to come out
where/how I want them. It's all very well saying "attach them to the
note before/after", but (a) imho they belong attached to the barline,
You are right, they should be attached to the barline. That is why you
should \mark instead of \markup. Rehearsal Marks can take any text, just
like \markup, but it attaches the marks to the barline instead of notes. In
addition, you will want to right justify the text to the barline, so I will
show you an example of how I did that.
\bar "||"
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'font-size = #0
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #0.5
\mark "Fine"
I changed the font-size because the default fontsize for \mark is larger
than for \markup. That is one of the only differences besides where they
attach the text.
and (b) last time I attached something like that to a R1*8 it looked
rather silly ...
(Actually, I think it was effectively << {s2 s s1*3} {R1*4} >> with the
s's and R in different voices on the same staff, but it was a mess The
s2 stuff was a deliberate (and failed) attempt to get it to go to the
left.) Oh - and with my current part the coda will collide with a
fermata :-(
The problem (from my point of view) is that I'm in the habit of putting
all the structure in a separate voice from the notes, and codas etc are
structure. So I can't attach them to a genuine note or fine-tune their
left/right alignment, because I re-use the same structure voice across
multiple parts, hence stuff like that getting attached to a R1*8!
So basically, in the below code I want
(1) to push the last system down and leave a bigger gap
(2) to have "DS al Coda" appear right-justified at the end of the
penultimate system
(3) to have the Coda symbol appear left justified at the beginning of
the last system
imho this is a perfectly normal layout and I just cannot see how to
achieve it ...
\version "2.8.2"
allegro = {
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #left
\mark "Allegro"
coda = {
\mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" }
dalsegno = {
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
\mark "DS al Coda"
segno = {
\mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.segno" }
voiceTimeSig = {
\time 2/4
\key df \major
\key bf \major
\repeat volta 2 { s2*15 } \alternative { { s2 } { s2 } }
\key df \major
voiceMarkup = {
s2*2 \bar "||" \segno
s2*8 \bar "||" \allegro
s2*8 \bar "||"
s2*8 \bar "||" \coda
s2*2 \bar "||"
s2*8 \bar "||" \allegro
s2*8 \bar "||"
s2*8 % Trio
\mark "TRIO Presto"
\repeat volta 2 { s2*15 } \alternative { { s2 } { s2 } }
s2*3 \bar "||" \dalsegno
#'((next-space . 20))
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #left
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