Jannik Jeppesen wrote: > I want to whrite a few drum march and rhythm exercises, but cant make > them look perfect... > Here is a little march, with alot of things that can be done more nicely. > > can anyone set this one up in a more beautifulll manner? So the bars in > under each other, the volta brakets is not ended with a |, and the > stickings ( H and V) is whritten more beautiful. And any other ideas is > apreciated... > > Thanx > \jannik > -------------
Hmm, a few obvious (to me) things to start with that seem to improve things a bit. First, I took out the \set Staff.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) I'm not sure why this is needed--the volta wants to go past the end of the last bar, which confuses Lilypond. If the music were to continue, then it might make more sense. BTW, the best way to get ride of the "|." is to simply remove it... :-) Second, I added \override Staff.TextScript #'staff-padding = #1.1 This seems to line the Hs and Vs up nicely. Unfortunately you have to fiddle with it until you get it tidy, and you might have to change it for every invocation of the text script. If this is unwieldy it might be easier to set them with LyricMode instead. Here's what I get: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% version "2.8.0" \paper { tagline = "" indent = 0\cm } \layout{ \context{ \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } \new RhythmicStaff { \time 2/4 s4 s8 c8:32~ | % \set Staff.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) \override Staff.TextScript #'staff-padding = #1.1 \repeat volta 2 { c8 c \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ | c8 c \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ | c16_"H" c_"V" \grace c16~_"V" c8_"H" c16_"V" c_"H" \grace c16~_"H" c8_"V"| c16 c^> c c \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ | c8 c \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ | c8 c \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ | c16 c \grace c16~ c8 c16 c^> c c | } \alternative { { \grace c16~ c4 r8 c:32~ } { \grace c16~ c4 r8 c:32~ } } \repeat volta 2 { c16 c \grace c16~ c8 c16 c \grace c16~ c8 | c16 c^> c c \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ | c16 c \grace c16~ c8 c16 c \grace c16~ c8| c16 c^> c c \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ | c4 \grace c16~ c8. c16 | \grace c16~ c8 \grace c16~ c8 \grace c16~ c8 c:32~ | c16 c \grace c16~ c8 c16 c^> c c | } \alternative { { \grace c16~ c4 r8 c:32~ } {\grace c16~ c4 r4 } } %\bar "|." } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user