Jos Smeets wrote:
On Tue, 04 Apr 2006 15:18:09 +0200
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Following up on my previous post. I noticed that in the 2.6
documentation the following notation is used:
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'print-function =
in 2.8 this is:
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
When I use the 2.6 version with my 2.7.28 installation, there are no
compilation problems, but I do not get the correct time signature
printed. It gives me the normal 3/2.
Apparently I am still missing something, but what?
Version 2.7.28 is much more similar to 2.8 than to 2.6, so
the 2.8 syntax should work as far as I know.
Well, my experience is different. Neither works for me now. Maybe I
should first upgrade to 2.8 (should wait a few days, no time for that
now :( ) and then try again. Thanks for your help!
You had bad luck. If you run convert-ly -s (after your upgrade
to version 2.8), you will find out that the following change
happened at version 2.7.31:
Foo_bar::bla_bla -> ly:foo-bar::bla-bla
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