Thanks Mats. That did the trick.
For anyone else interested, my template for the Chapman Stick is below
> Just use \new TabStaff instead of \context TabStaff to make sure to get
> a new one.
> /Mats
\version "2.6.0"
title = ""
composer = ""
meter = ""
% ----- STICK -----
sr = \relative c''
\key d \major
\time 4/4
d8\4 e\4 fis\4 g\3 a\3 b\3 cis\2 d\2
sl = \relative c,
\key d \major
\time 4/4
d8\1 e\1 fis\1 g\1 a\2 b\2 cis\2 d\2
% ----- CHORDS -----
chordline = \chordmode
% ----- SCORE -----
\context ChordNames = chords \chordline
\new Staff <<
\set Staff.instrument = #"Stick RH"
\clef treble
\new TabStaff <<
\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(16 11 6 1 -4)
\set Staff.instrument = #"Stick RH"
\new TabStaff <<
\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(-24 -17 -10 -3 4)
\set Staff.instrument = #"Stick LH"
\new Staff <<
\set Staff.instrument = #"Stick LH"
\clef bass
\layout {raggedright = ##t}
\midi { \tempo 4=120 }
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