Orm Finnendahl wrote:
> Hi,
> before delving into the depths of it: Has anybody got the
> lilypond-mode.el working in terms of autocompletion and cursor
> movement under gnu emacs?
> I tried with emacs21 and emacs-gtk (Version 22) without
> success. Syntax highlighting seems to work, but pressing M-C-p or
> M-C-n gets me to the beginning or end of the buffer instead of the
> matching parenthesis. 
Are you placing the cursor on the parenthesis? It needs to be placed on
the outer side of the parenthesis. For example, in this sentence
anywhere where the * is:

This (sentence has)* far *(too) many (parentheses)* in it!

According to Emacs C-M-p is called 'backward list' and it 'Move[s]
backward across one balanced group of parentheses.' So the cursor
(point) has to be outside the parentheses.

I presumer the same for C-M-n, but my WM has that bound to run Mozilla
Firefox and is thus quite frustrating!

The syntax table seems to be defined in
> lilypond-fontlock.el and that file gets loaded. Even re-evaluation of
> the relevant code doesn't seem to help.
> In addition <Tab> doesn't auto-complete but rather indents the current
> line...

My understanding is that completion is done with M-<Tab> --
Unfortunately, this is also used used by some window managers and isn't
seen by Emacs. The trick is to use <esc> followed by <tab>. However, I
get a complaint that the tags table isn't loaded.

Hope this helps,


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