Please always tell what LilyPond version you use, to be sure to get a relevant

The answer can, more or less, be found in the manual, at the bottom of the
page in the section on Bar Numbers. If you are unfamiliar, to the details
of to set such a property, look at the chapter on Changing Defaults, especially
Common Tweaks. Another good trick is to search the mailing list for the
key words given in the hint. For example, you could search for
BarNumber padding
and find lots of examples. Just make sure that they emails are recently new,
since the syntax has changed over the years.


larsggu wrote:

Hi, as a recent lilypond convert i've been looking at (and learning from) some music from I've noticed that than when using the StaffGroup context the StaffGroup symbol will overlap with the bar number at the beginning of each line. Can anyone help me construct a tweak that moves the number 2-3 mm up so that it clears the staffgroup symbol? (Or direct me to a post which covers this, the search didnt yield any results.) I'm starting to get the hang of the notes etc but i'm having a hard time getting the hang of layout tuning. (See attached image.) Default bar numbering collision
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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
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