On 3/16/06, Marcus Macauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 14:27:24 -0800, Trevor Bača"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On 3/16/06, Marcus Macauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Another way of notating this, which I prefer, but also I think needs to
> >> be
> >> implemented, is to follow the decresc. (or precede the cresc.) with a
> >> bold/italic "n" or "n.", for niente.
> >
> > Does #(make-dynamic-script "n.") not help? (As in the examples in 8.1.8?)
> At least for me (Lilypond 2.7.38 on Windows, not cygwin), doing that
> prints the "n." in a giant sans-serif font -- very inappropriate. I assume
> it does that because the dynamic-script font lacks an "n" character, so it
> substitutes the letter from another font.

Yes, you're right, as this bit shows:


\version "2.7.38"

alpha = #(make-dynamic-script "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")

\new Staff {
   c'4 c'4\alpha

%%%%%%%%%%% END %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

How odd. Well I guess conventional dyanmics employ only [f, m, p, r,
s, z]. Would be nice to be able to point make-dynamic-script at
arbitrary characters (lower- and uppercase) and I wouldn't mind
cosponsoring that feature either in the upcoming 2.9 cycle. Actually,
seems like there's a bit of dynamics work that's already listed on the
sponsorship page, so we might be able to put together a package of
dynamics-related work all at one time and then solicit help to divide
up the development costs. Hmm.

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

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