Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Quoting Marcus Macauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

As an alternative to the second method -- and a perhaps more conventional one, recommended by Kurt Stone -- niente can be notated not with the dynamic letter "n" but with the italic "n." (this time with a period). This should be possible to do now, but I can't figure out how to switch off the boldface:

n = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:text #:italic "n." ) ) % This makes the text bold-italic.

n = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:text "n." ) ) % In fact, even this makes it bold-italic, as if that's the default text font style. Why? And how to switch it off?

The simple reason is that dynamics by default have bold face turned on. For situations like these, where you want tobe sure to first reset all font related properties before starting applying your own preferences, the markup command \normal-text was introduced
in version 2.7. So you should be able to do something like
n = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:normal-text #:italic "n." ) )

Ah, yes, that works. The last thing I saw on in the email list archives about it was a comment, by you, I think, that a command like \normal-text would be useful (it presumably hadn't been implemented at the time).

Another way to do it, I've found, is...

n = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:text #:medium #:italic "n.") )

...where #:medium is the regular (not-bold) weight of the font. (Likewise, as Han-Wen pointed out on lilypond-devel, you can use #:upright to cancel #:italic). I like your solution better, though - it could conceivably be used where you're unsure of what the default font style is, and you just want to clear all formatting and then specify only what you want.

Thanks for the tip.


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