For MS word I strongly recommend using EPS. You must set tagline to "", and this will generate a nice tight eps file with a very basic rough preview. Taking a screen print will result in very coarse resolution.
Then, in MS word, use "insert picture from file", browse to where the eps file is saved and import it. You can resize the fragment as with any other image by dragging the frame. To preview, print the file to a PDF file using FreepdfXP - notice that, because the fonts are embedded in the EPS file, you can magnify the output without the resolution coarsening. Though it pains me to say so, I find that EPS import into MS word is the most satisfactory way (on Windows) to produce service sheets which include both large amounts of text and vector image lilypond output. On 25/02/06, Jannik Jeppesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > How is it possible to make the scripts bigger? > I use my scripts in Word, since I donĀ“t now how else to print them out with > text... Cant figure out the lilybook. > > So I open each pdf file, takes a print screen and opens again in paint, then > I safte the picture in jpg, and opens that in word. Then I can Add text and > so on. > > But how do I make the pics bigger? They are very small when printed out in > word. > And If someone could help me with an easyer method for this, that would be > great. > > I use winXP > > Best wishes > Jannik > _______________________________________________ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > > > _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list