
I'm trying to make lyrics for the bass/tenor lines that follow different notes
than the soprano/alto lines in the chorus.

Anyway, I couldn't seem to figure out how to do this with addlyrics, properly, given the time I had, so I tried text markup, using a separate markup for each note (I didn't just use one markup, since it wouldn't align the words with
the notes).

This worked fine, after I learned of \fatText, except for one thing: the markups had different vertical heights, due to the notes under them. Is there a way to synchronize the heights to the height of the highest markup? I tried doing it manually, but it was just way too tedious and time consuming (i.e. I could still notice a visible difference after getting to
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #1.037824).

Anyway, any advice would be appreciated, especially if there's a way to do this with one markup, aligning them to individual notes, and if there's a way to do it with addlyrics, without having to have conflicts with my
other lyrics.

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