I really recommend that you learn to use \lyricsto, which
is much more flexible than \addlyrics. If you read in the
section called "More stanzas" in the manual, you can find
an example of exactly your situation.
If you insist on using your current text markup hack,
the trick is to increase the property called staff-padding,
which determines the minimum distance from the actual
staff. Something like
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0
Mark Dewey wrote:
I'm trying to make lyrics for the bass/tenor lines that follow
different notes
than the soprano/alto lines in the chorus.
Anyway, I couldn't seem to figure out how to do this with addlyrics,
given the time I had, so I tried text markup, using a separate markup for
each note (I didn't just use one markup, since it wouldn't align the
words with
the notes).
This worked fine, after I learned of \fatText, except for one thing:
the markups had different vertical heights, due to the notes under them.
Is there a way to synchronize the heights to the height of the highest
markup? I tried doing it manually, but it was just way too tedious and
time consuming (i.e. I could still notice a visible difference after
getting to
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #1.037824).
Anyway, any advice would be appreciated, especially if there's a way
to do
this with one markup, aligning them to individual notes, and if there's
a way to do it with addlyrics, without having to have conflicts with my
other lyrics.
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Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260
WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe
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