If you read in the manual about key signatures, it says:

"This command sets the context property Staff.keySignature. Non-standard key signatures can be specified by setting this property directly."

which shows that it is possible. Unfortunately you have to look elsewhere to find more documentation and examples. What are the best places to look? I would first try the "Tips and Tricks" and
"Regression Tests" documents, and you are lucky, there is a nice
example called "key-signature-scordatura.ly" in the Regression Tests document that shows how to do it!


Quoting cordilow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Is it possible to create 'new' key signatures?  I mean, I desire to be able
to make key signatures for my own scales.  For instance, here is a favorite
scale of mine: B C D# E F G# A B.
In other words, it would have a sharp sign for the D and G alone (and this
without showing accidentals for the sharps).

Also, I want to be able to make key signatures with quarter tones in them.
Is this possible?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/new-key-signatures-t1143296.html#a2997574
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at Nabble.com.

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