Thanks; it works wonders.
Now that I know how to do all that, I'm wondering, can
you notes three fourths
of the way flat or sharp? Let's say C three fourths
sharp would be like
cis minus half of an eh, if that makes any sense. In
other words, can we have
eighth-tones? Like C plus three eighth steps, I mean.
And . . . can you make key
signatures for those? I have an Indian whistle that
seems to be in the key of
E three fourths flat mixolydian, or nigh unto it. It
would be interesting to be
able to replicate these sounds on a midi, and to
represent them on sheet music.
Gilles wrote:
[...] when I define a key signature, the
sharps/flats don't apply for the note
in every octave--just the octave I specify. Is there a
way to make it apply to all
octaves without having loads of symbols on the key
There is an alternative format for defining the signature,
shown in this variation of your example:
\new Staff {
\set Staff.keySignature = #'( ((1 . 4) . 2) ((1 . 1) . 2) )
b4 c' dis' e' f' gis' a' b'
c'' dis'' e'' f'' gis'' a'' b''
\set Staff.keySignature = #'( (4 . 2) (1 . 2) )
b4 c' dis' e' f' gis' a' b'
c'' dis'' e'' f'' gis'' a'' b''
You can read all the settings there:
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