On 2-Feb-06, at 5:02 AM, alexandre reche e silva wrote:
A) Nevertheless, marks alignment cannot be tuned and is centred “by
nature”. How to force left align? In other words, they are displayed
This is explained in section 8.1.3 Text marks in the manual for
lilypond 2.7. I'm not certain that it will work for you in 2.4.5,
though. But give it a try:
\override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #left
\mark "Allegro"
It should work in lily 2.6; you may want to consider updating.
B) Other question. The last notes of first section tied with first
of the second section dont tie, indeed. What to do?
You could fake this with invisible notes and slurs.
C) The metronome mark collide with high notes in the first staff. How
it up?
See section 4.3 Fixing overlapping notation in the manual for 2.6 or
- Graham
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