On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 16:43:44 +0100
Kees wrote:

> In the mean time I have found out more about relative, allthough I'm 
> not quite sure.
> E.g.
> If in relative I write: a b c d e f g a b c d e f g a b c d e f g, I get
> the second a one octave higher then the first, the third an other octave 
>   higher then the second....
> So, I do have some things to figure out.
> Kees

You could stick with absolute notation which is much easier to read
when things get rough, and in my opinion more correct for e.g. a score.

Who, today, would like to read a score with "Corni in F"? If they could
avoid it. Now they can.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk -- http://d-axel.dk/  Donald Axel

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