In the mean time I have found out more about relative, allthough I'm
not quite sure.
If in relative I write: a b c d e f g a b c d e f g a b c d e f g, I get
the second a one octave higher then the first, the third an other octave
higher then the second....
So, I do have some things to figure out.
Kees Serier schreef:
I'm having trouble with: \relative c'
I have put \relative on several places in the source, but I get a very
strange output in the PDF.
What am I doing wrong?
The first Staff is fine, the second one has the troubles.
\header {
title = "LilyPond Notes"
subtitle = "Normal and Relative to c'"
\version "2.6.5"
\new Staff {
\time 4/4
\clef treble
\key c \major{
a,8 b, c d e f g
a b c' d' e' f' g'
a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' g''
a'' b'' c''' d''' e''' f''' g'''
\addlyrics {
a,8 b, c d e f g
a b c' d' e' f' g'
a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' g''
a'' b'' c''' d''' e''' f''' g'''
\relative c' {
\new Staff {
% \relative c' {
\time 4/4
\clef treble
\key c \major
% \relative c' {
a,8 b, c d e f g
a b c' d' e' f' g'
a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' g''
% a'' b'' c''' d''' e''' f''' g'''
\addlyrics {
a,8 b, c d e f g
a b c' d' e' f' g'
a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' g''
% a'' b'' c''' d''' e''' f''' g'''
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