One obvious possibility is to attach the markup to some
note in the score and then use
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = (20 . 40 )
or whatever, to determine how it should be displaced
relative to the default position.


Felix Hammer wrote:


I want to know of there is an option to positioning a \markup text completly free on the paper?

\book {
        \markup { "abc" }

        \score {
        d4 e f g

        \markup { "hij" }

For example. I want to place "hij" above "abc" or overlap "abc". Or i want to overlap the score with "hij". The problem is everytime that i can place near to the other element but not near enough or cannot overlap.

Is there a switch like "\override CollisionCheck = #off"?

much thx. Felix

p.s. i try to write some education-paper and dont like latex for only a few text-samples


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