Hello Jan,

Jan Nieuwenhuizen schrieb:
> Have you actually tried a recent version of Emacs lately?  What things
> do you find complicated?

No, I haven't tried any version of Emacs. But I read about it. Emacs may be a powerful editor of course, but when you start first with it, you have to study tutorials and read many other helps. Emacs has many own commands and very less commands who are windows-conform. All this specific commands you have to drill in your head, there is no graphical menĂ¼ (when I am right). An introduction (in german language) I found at


There you read that you cannot delete a written character with the "backspace"-key. An old typewriter could do that and every other editor around me does that. I don't want to miss this and such similarly features.

Context has menus and you can take shortcuts as well. The commands are conform for windows-users (File open, close, cut and paste, delete and so on). Context is small and quick. I think context has all you need to handle with lilypond. IF you know Emacs it is alright when you use it. But can Emacs switch with one shortcut to the PDF- and with another shortcut to the midi-file without saving and leaving the source code (like context can)?

I began to write a context-highlighter for lilypond source code. (You can choose 5 different colors for better reading special commands). It works well. But I am new in lilypond and only a few commands I have manually picked up to now. If somebody is interested, I can post the highlighter file here (as a text-file and as it is at the moment).

martial wrote:
> I am blind  or utf-8 is not supported

Hello martial,

Context supports UTF8, see it's homepage:

Yours sincerely


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