Uli Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [...] Emacs has many own commands and very less commands who are
> windows-conform. All this specific commands you have to drill in your
> head, there is no graphical menĂ¼ (when I am right).  [...]

> There you read that you cannot delete a written character with the
> "backspace"-key. An old typewriter could do that and every other
> editor around me does that. I don't want to miss this and such
> similarly features.
> Context has menus and you can take shortcuts as well. The commands are
> conform for windows-users (File open, close, cut and paste, delete and
> so on). Context is small and quick. I think context has all you need
> to handle with lilypond. IF you know Emacs it is alright when you use
> it. But can Emacs switch with one shortcut to the PDF- and with
> another shortcut to the midi-file without saving and leaving the
> source code (like context can)?

Oh please...
Emacs has menus.
Emacs has windows-like keyboard shortcuts if you like.
You can delete a character with backspace.
You can compile a LilyPond file, see the PDF score or play the midi
file with shortcuts (or via the menus) without leaving the source code.

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