Trevor Bača wrote:
(Or maybe this is already possible some other way and I just haven't
researched hard enough; if so, please ignore the request.)

Of course it's possible, you just have to write loads of Scheme code :-)

I can look into this. Shall I make a combined quote for refactoring the
pagelayout to do both automatic stretching and absolute positioning?

Yes, please. If the absolute adjustments wind up being considerably
more complicated than the relative (stretching) adjustments, then
maybe you can also quote separately so that Nicolas and I (and perhaps
others in the group) can help divide up the costs.


sorry for the delays. The orchestra was very hectic for the past days, causing some delay.

Unfortunately, I misread your original request. It's certainly feasible to make staves appear at fixed distances and to make systems appear at fixed positions on the page. However, I don't see how I can make staves appear at fixed positions on the page in a sensible way.

I can add the latter (systems at fixed Y positions, including necessary refactoring) for 150 eur. You should be able to make staves appear at fixed positions in a system by simply setting the Y-offset of the respective Staff.VerticalAxisGroup.

I plan to start this work on page layout early next week.


Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

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