Some months ago I proposed implementation of individual line spacing control
with\breakSpace #n to force n staff spaces between lines, and
\pageBreakSpace #n to force n staff spaces at the bottom of a page.  Spacing
following normal breaks or those forced with \break or \pageBreak would be
calculated as now.

This presents a simple syntax to the user and allows precise vertical
spacing of individual lines or of an entire page if each line is followed by
a \breakSpace or \pageBreakSpace.

Too simple?

                           - Bruce

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Han-Wen Nienhuys
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 11:45 AM
To: Trevor Baca
Cc: Nicolas Sceaux;
Subject: Re: feature request: semi-automatic vertical spacement

Trevor Bača wrote:
>>>(Or maybe this is already possible some other way and I just haven't 
>>>researched hard enough; if so, please ignore the request.)
>>Of course it's possible, you just have to write loads of Scheme code 
>>I can look into this. Shall I make a combined quote for refactoring 
>>the pagelayout to do both automatic stretching and absolute 
> Yes, please. If the absolute adjustments wind up being considerably 
> more complicated than the relative (stretching) adjustments, then 
> maybe you can also quote separately so that Nicolas and I (and perhaps 
> others in the group) can help divide up the costs.


sorry for the delays. The orchestra was very hectic for the past days, 
causing some delay.

Unfortunately, I misread your original request.  It's certainly feasible 
to make staves appear at fixed distances and to make systems appear at 
fixed positions on the page. However, I don't see how I can make staves 
appear at fixed positions on the page in a sensible way.

I can add the latter (systems at fixed Y positions, including necessary 
refactoring) for 150 eur. You should be able to make staves appear at 
fixed positions in a system by simply setting the Y-offset of the 
respective Staff.VerticalAxisGroup.

I plan to start this work on page layout early next week.


Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

LilyPond Software Design
  -- Code for Music Notation

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