I've also found that using Word or Open Office Word is good for entering lyrics. I enter the lyrics in whole words in to the word processor which allows easy entry of accented characters and also gives the better typographical apostrophes and quotes automatically. This can all be spelled checked (in different languages as well if you have the dictionaries installed.) I then paste it back into the editor I'm using Kate - Linx / Jedit Windows.
One thing I have found with Jedit is that if you have other Java programs running / or websites using Java then Jedit can perform sometimes strangely.
Personally I think that the editor you use is subjective  -- what you feel comfortable with. Providing users with series of ready to run templates (a whole series of them can be generated quite easily with Jedit -- which is the main reason I use that editor) out of the box, so to speak, would be of more assistance allowing users to enter music right away without wrestling with the manual.
----- Original Message -----
From: alanvw
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:54 PM
Subject: RE: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 38, Issue 17


If you're using Windoze, you might want to use Wordpad, instead of Notepad

as your editor. I've found on my windoze machine that this is the easiest

editor to use -- I think it's part of their distro. I tried installing

jEdit, but only got as far as installing java, and haven't been able to

install jEdit itself. Meantime, I'm having no problems with Wordpad --

I've put it on the desktop to make it easier -- just slide my .ly file (it

has no trouble using the .ly extension) into the icon to open, then slide

it into the lilypond icon for compiling.


Fr. Gordon Gilbert

Hi Gordon, you might like to try Notepad++ as your editor as it has more features to assist the process of entering code etc. You can download it from the GNU site.

regards Alan.

PS I would like to hear from others who use Notepad++ and a comment from Han.


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