On 12/14/05, Andrzej Kopec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to ask if there is (better) method of utilizing Lilypond to typeset 
> aleatoric
> music. For these not familiar with subject: 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleatoric_music


> This notation was broadly used by Witold Lutosławski and Kazimierz
> Serocki (the greatest XX-cent. polish composers), and I suppose, that
> it isn't something strange to many other western Europe composers)

FWIW, this sort of thing, also known as "box notation" (since there's
frequently a square or rectangular black box enclosing the trigger
material) was also  quite a favorite of certain American composers
during (primarily) the 60s and 70s. Jacob Druckman, for example.

At least in the US, the popularity was due, IMO, to the fact that this
sort of thing can get you (at least the appearance of) some rhythmic
complexity without having to scatter a bunch of tuplets everywhere.

The popularity in the US has since died off; Poland seems to be
another story given that this sort of thing made in appearance in the
hands of the Polish composers in Darmstadt at least as recently as
last year.

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

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