Andrzej Kopec wrote:
// \\
----||--|-------|| |-----
----||.-|---|--.|| |-----
----||--o---|---|| |-----
----||------o---|| |-----
\\ //
This notation was broadly used by Witold Lutosławski and Kazimierz
Serocki (the greatest XX-cent. polish composers), and I suppose, that
it isn't something strange to many other western Europe composers)
To achieve that I've prepared stencils (as callbacks for print function, BTW
method seen on this
list) repOn-callback and repOff-callback. And then I insert them to Rest's
print-function. Why rest? maybe because I couldn't find any better object. But
rest isn't
perfect frame for such things. Nevertheless this works in limited range, but
works. Difficulties start if there is more than one voice/instrument.
Also wavy line made with TrillSpanner, and it is very hard to exactly determine start and
stop points, and exact vertical positioning in consecutive systems.
So I have some questions:
1. is there any more suitable grob for this purpose?
for what? Brackets or the wavy line?
this means: some object which don't
take place in "musical time" but can be ideally vertically and horizontally
(in latter
rests used to have obstacles) positioned to staff. This is similar to
BarLine, and in
past I had used BarLines (ie. |: and :|, with Timing_engraver in Staff
context) for
that, but if I put patterns with a little shift in subsequent staves I get
lots of
empty spaces on each staff (place for barlines in other staffs). Ideal would
be some
object with no X-extent. Any ideas?
2. Is there any way to typeset spanner exactly from one place to another, in
manner that
it starts at \stopStaff and stops at \startStaff ?
why don't you change the number of stafflines to 1 and start a new
staff? ie.
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1
\revert Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count
Another option is to override the stencil callback for StaffSymbol.
If you have problems with this, I can cook up a sponsored aleatoric
example .ly , but I guess there will be lots of people eager to
demonstrate their elite L1l33P0nd ski11z :)
Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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