It's certainly no surprise that your "problems" started when you changed
from 2.4 to 2.6, since in version 2.4 you could only use latin1 encoding
(or plain ASCII), which means that LilyPond could only handle western
European text, whereas in verson 2.6 you can "only" use UTF-8 encoding,
which means that LilyPond can handle almost any language in the world.
Maybe you have some setting in your .emacs file that prevents the
multi-language support (MULE) to work correctly. For example, in my
.emacs, I had a setting
(setq-default enable-multibyte-characters nil)
which prevented MULE from working correctly. Uncommenting that
line solved the problem. An easy way to see if your .emacs is a problem
is to run Emacs using 'emacs -q'.
If you add the following lines to the end of your file, then Emacs will
automatically use the correct UTF-8 encoding:
%%% Local variables:
%%% coding: utf-8
%%% End:
Wolfgang Mechsner wrote:
Indeed I use emacs in Linux. But it is very strange:
1. It worked always fine with Lilypond 2.4.6 and the following versions. Now I
have and the problem started.
2. And: it does not work with jedit!
I love Lilypond but each upgrade serves a new surprise :-)
Thank you,
PS: Mats, sorry about this email to you without the list address!
Am Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2005 11:57 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
You haven't told us what operating system you use. However, if you
use Windows, I have experienced exactly the same problem with
saving UTF-8 from Emacs. It works in Linux, but I haven't tried
to investigate what the problem is in Windows. Maybe someone
else on the mailing list have been more successful with Emacs on
One nice alternative that should work on all platforms is to use
jedit, which has very convenient LilyPond support, see
The simple solution I have used occasionally is to use notepad
to enter the Unicode and save as UTF-8.
Wolfgang Mechsner wrote:
If I run my emacs in utf-8 mode, it does not work either!
Are you able to enter text as utf-8 (Unicode)? That's all that should
be required; I have umlauted text in both headers and lyrics under
Quoth Wolfgang Mechsner:
How can I get german Umlaute in \header!
Lilypond Version
lilypond-user mailing list
Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260
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