joeyc (sent by wrote:

This example from the docs does what I want... It prints a chord chart with just Bar Lines, and the chord symbols... but I would like to modify it...

1.)  I would like to add a bar line at the beginning measure

Since that's not standard notation practice for ordinary scores, I guess
the easiest solution is simply to add an upbeat which just contains
a spacer rest, i.e. an invisible note.:
\partial 8 s8 | f1:maj ...
just remember to add the corresponding spacer rest in any other staves
so the rhythm matches.

2.)  How can I add more than one chord per measure

You specify the duration of each chord exactly the same way as the
duration of normal notes, see "7.2.2 Chords mode".

3.)  How would I add the measure repeat symbol

They are handled by yet another engraver, so you need to do
\new ChordNames \with{
\consists "Percent_repeat_engraver"

Then you can use the \repeat percent 3 {...} command as usual, see
"6.7.7 Measure repeats".


\new ChordNames \with {
\override BarLine #?bar-size = #4
voltaOnThisStaff = ##t
\consists Bar_engraver
\consists "Volta_engraver"
\repeat volta 2 \chordmode {
f1:maj f:7 bes:7
} \alternative {
es e

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