You can insert as much music as you wish within
\new Chords \with {...} \chordmode{...}

For some reason, you had written the \repeat command outside \chordmode,
just move it inside, like in the following example.
\new ChordNames \with {
\override BarLine #'bar-size = #4
voltaOnThisStaff = ##t
\consists Bar_engraver
\consists "Volta_engraver"
\consists "Percent_repeat_engraver"
\chordmode{ \repeat volta 2  {
\partial 8 s8 | f2:maj f:7 \repeat "percent" 2 {bes1:7}
c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj
} \alternative {
es e }
\repeat volta 2 {
f2:maj f:7 \repeat "percent" 2 {bes1:7}
c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj
} \alternative {
es e


joeyc (sent by wrote:

The solution for the bar line only works well with one line of music... if the chord progression is long enough to go to the second line, then things get messed up... but I found I can just repeat the whole structure again like below... my question is... Why do you have to repeat the \new ChordNames and all the engravers? I found if I didn't do this, then I got a staff and the chords were notes...

\new ChordNames \with {
\override BarLine #'bar-size = #4
voltaOnThisStaff = ##t
\consists Bar_engraver
\consists "Volta_engraver"
\consists "Percent_repeat_engraver"
\repeat volta 2 \chordmode {
\partial 8 s8 | f2:maj f:7 \repeat "percent" 2 {bes1:7}
c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj
} \alternative {
es e
\new ChordNames \with {
\override BarLine #'bar-size = #4
voltaOnThisStaff = ##t
\consists Bar_engraver
\consists "Volta_engraver"
\consists "Percent_repeat_engraver"
\repeat volta 2 \chordmode {
\partial 8 s8 | f2:maj f:7 \repeat "percent" 2 {bes1:7}
c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj
} \alternative {
es e
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