An alternative solution that goes more to the source of the actual problem
is to do something like

\override Score.BarLine #'space-alist = #'(
                       (time-signature . (extra-space . 0.75))
                       (custos . (minimum-space . 2.0))
                       (clef . (minimum-space . 1.5)) % Default value = 1.0
                       (key-signature . (extra-space . 1.0))
                       (key-cancellation . (extra-space . 1.0))
                       (first-note . (fixed-space . 1.3))
                       (next-note . (semi-fixed-space . 1.3))
                       (right-edge . (extra-space . 0.0)))

Maybe you have to increase the minimum space from BarLine to key-signature
even further, 1.5 is just a guess.

This is definitely something that's hard to figure out yourself from the
documentation. That's why we have a mailing list.


Guy Durrieu wrote:

You might try

    \once \override Staff.Clef #'extra-X-extent = #'(-2 . 1)
    \clef tenor

which would give you 2 more units of space to the left of the
clef symbol and 1 more unit of space to the right of the clef.
("tenor":  sorry, I deleted so much e-mail that I've lost track
of what clef you actually wanted.)

I'm sitting at a non-LilyPond machine at the moment, so I can't test
that to verify it, but I've used similar commands to provide extra space
to the left or right of various musical graphic objects ("grobs").

-- Tom

Thanks for your help. I'll try that. I am aware of these commands, but
it is not easy for a beginner to find out the right command with the
right parameters. And they may be difficult to use since the other
objects stay where they are :)


-- Guy

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
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