Mats Bengtsson wrote :
> An alternative solution that goes more to the source of the actual problem
> is to do something like
> \override Score.BarLine #'space-alist = #'(
>                         (time-signature . (extra-space . 0.75))
>                         (custos . (minimum-space . 2.0))
>                         (clef . (minimum-space . 1.5)) % Default value = 1.0
>                         (key-signature . (extra-space . 1.0))
>                         (key-cancellation . (extra-space . 1.0))
>                         (first-note . (fixed-space . 1.3))
>                         (next-note . (semi-fixed-space . 1.3))
>                         (right-edge . (extra-space . 0.0)))
> Maybe you have to increase the minimum space from BarLine to key-signature
> even further, 1.5 is just a guess.

Thanks for your help. That's exactly what I need. Unfortately, it
does'nt work for me (no effect). I dont understand why.

Guy DURRIEU  ONERA/TIS/DTIM                tel    (33)
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