But, the \partial command is supposed to fix that, isn't it?
There shouldn't be any need for manual beams.


Edward Neeman wrote:

Hi Scott,

Even though it is a cadenza, the beams still work in
4/4.  If you count it out, you will realise that the
beams are split in the natural place for 4/4 time.  To
override this, please read the Manual beams section in
the manual

Edward Neeman

--- Scott Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Lilypond folks,

I'm a (relatively) novice Lilypond user. I'm working
on some non- measured (cadenza-like) material and have encountered a strange situation.

The five sixteenth notes of the 2nd figure in Line 3
... c8 ( [ \setTextCresc d16\< c b c ) e\staccato ] ... should all be beamed together. What I'm seeing in the output is the second flag on the d facing left all by itself, then the remaining 4 sixteenths beamed together with both flags. If I remove the first (unaffected) figure, the problem resolves in the second figure, but moves to the third figure. (It all makes sense if you compile and look
at the output.)

On a related note, the way this code is currently
edited, line 4 looks OK. BUT, if I remove the "modified" line 3, you'll see the same strange beam behavior in the "fis16 [ ( g" sixteenth notes in the middle of the line.

Any ideas on how to make these beamings work?


\version "2.6.3"

melody = \relative c'' {
\key g \major
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
\override Score.BarNumber #'transparent = ##t

% #### Line 3 ####

% ORIGINAL - doesn't work - first figure OK, second
figure wrong, third and fourth figures OK.
b4 ( c16 [ b a b ) d\staccato ] c8 ( [ \setTextCresc
d16\< c b c ) e \staccato ] d8 ( [ e16 d cis d ) f\staccato ] e8 ( [ f!16 e dis e ) g \staccato ] f!1\f \breathe

\bar "" \break

% MODIFIED - removed first figure - now it moves the
error into the next figure - why?
c8 ( [ \setTextCresc d16\< c b c ) e\staccato ] d8 (
[ e16 d cis d ) f \staccato ] e8 \( [ f!16 e dis e \) g\staccato ]
f!1\f \breathe

\bar "" \break

%%%%% FIXME: fix sixteenth note beams in first
figure in line above

% #### Line 4 ####

e16 ( [ g f! ] ) cis! ( [ d e d ] ) \once \override
TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(1.2 . 0) ais16_\markup {diminuendo } ( [ b c b ] ) fis16 [ ( g d'8 ) c b a g8. f16 ] f2 ( e4 )

\bar "" \break

%%%%% FIXME: fix sixteenth note beams in second
figure in line above



\score {
    \new Staff \melody

Best wishes,
Scott Russell

IT Support Engineer, Office of Information
Technologies, University of Notre Dame
Instructor of Horn, University of Notre Dame and
Saint Mary's College
Assistant Horn, South Bend Symphony Orchestra

205 DeBartolo Performing Arts Center

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