Hi everyone, Making the first group of 5 16ths into a "partial bar" and explicitly specifying an invisible bar between the partial figure and the next figure solves the strange beaming in both lines. Thanks for the advice, Mats and Edward! melody = \relative c'' { \key g \major % \minor \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t \override Score.BarNumber #'transparent = ##t \cadenzaOn % LOTS OF CUT CODE % #### Line 3 #### b4 ( \bar "" \partial 16*5 c16 [ b a b ) d\staccato ] \bar "" c8 ( [ \setTextCresc d16\< c b c ) e\staccato ] d8 ( [ e16 d cis d ) f\staccato ] e8 ( [ f!16 e dis e ) g\staccato ] f!1\f \breathe \bar "" \break % #### Line 4 #### e16 ( [ g f! ] ) cis! ( [ d e d ] ) \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(1.2 . 0) ais16_\markup {diminuendo } ( [ b c b ] ) fis16 [ ( g16 d'8 ) c b a g8. f16 ] f2 ( e4 ) \breathe \bar "" \break %%%% LOTS MORE CUT CODE \cadenzaOff } Best wishes, Scott -- Scott Russell IT Support Engineer, Office of Information Technologies, University of Notre Dame Instructor of Horn, University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College Assistant Horn, South Bend Symphony Orchestra 205 DeBartolo Performing Arts Center 574-631-2698 ScottRussell@nd.edu On Nov 2, 2005, at 4:12 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
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