Have been looking around a little, and this can be something where I am
doing very stupid things...
Take the following simple lilypond file:
--- BEGIN ---
\version "2.6.3"
\header {
title="A string with é è ê and so on"
author="The Author is éèêks"
subsubtitle="súbsùbsûb title"
music={c d e f}
\score {
\context PianoStaff
\context Staff = "mystaff"
\layout {}
--- END ---
The output I get (pdf at least) shows the header without all the
specialties, and missing some of the normal letters too. If I change
those special letters to their normal equivalents the output is what one
would expect.
The question is: how can I get these letters in my header so I can keep
using a correct spelling of words?
(oh: and on 2.6.3 on windows I tried to \include "italiano.ly" but then
I get strange errors about bad syntax at music={...})
Thanks in advance,
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