Abbey Lincoln-GLMA001 wrote:

I just started using LilyPond to notate drumset music.  It's working
very well for me so far.  But I can't figure out how to do two things:
1. Put a rehearsal mark at the beginning of the first bar ("[A]"), and

Just add the \mark command before the first note!

 2. Put the bars between repeat symbols ("|:" and ":|")

Why not use the ordinary mechanism for repeats?

One example of the above is to rewrite your score block into

   \new DrumStaff <<
       \time 4/4
       \mark \default
       \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \repeat volta 2 \threeSingleF }
       \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \repeat volta 2 \bdSingleFHhFour }


Here some representative LilyPond code I'd like to be able to do these
things to:
\version "2.6.3"
    threeSingleF = \drummode {
        cymr16-> sn cymr <sn cymr>
        cymr16-> sn cymr <sn cymr>
        cymr16-> sn cymr <sn cymr>
        cymr16-> sn cymr <sn cymr>
    bdSingleFHhFour = \drummode {
        <bd hhp>8 bd
        <bd hhp>8 bd
        <bd hhp>8 bd
        <bd hhp>8 bd
    \new DrumStaff <<
        \time 4/4
        \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \threeSingleF \threeSingleF }
        \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \bdSingleFHhFour \bdSingleFHhFour }
Would you be able to give me the syntax for those two things? Thanks very much, Lincoln Abbey
Chicago, Illinois, USA


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        Signal Processing
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