Aaron Mehl wrote:
1. could someone else try an svg from lilypond and see
if it works for them in scribus? If not this might be
a bug.
2. is there a way to pass resolution parameters to the
backend that is making the png files?
Two things I recently found out about SVG:
1. Since every implementation of an SVG renderer is different, since the
SVG standard is a bit fluid, and since Lilypond SVG output is
necessarily complex, the developers have settled upon Inkscape as the
SVG renderer/editor that they will target. Single-page (see item 2
below) Lilypond SVG output is openable in Inkscape. Possibly Inkscape
could save it in a format that other SVG renderers are happier with... I
haven't tried.
2. There is no SVG standard for multi-page documents, so multi-page
Lilypond SVG output will not render correctly in any SVG renderer. In
Inkscape, it will just overlap all the pages on a single page. Han-Wen
has let it be known that the ability to burst pages for SVG output is a
feature that would cost 80 EUR. I am planning on at least partially
sponsoring this in a few weeks when I get some money, but if someone
else wants to beat me to it, please be my guest... I have other features
on my wish-list that I can devote my money to.
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