Am Mittwoch, 17. August 2005 12:25 schrieb Gordon Gilbert:
> Hi folks!
> I remember reading in here about emacs "lilypond mode".  I have just
> rejigged xemacs for my text editing, and was wondering if someone could
> point me to how to set that up, or if the latest, bleeding-edge version of
> XEmacs for FreeBSD should include that.

I use GNU Emacs, but I think this could be helpful:

The emacs lisp files (lilypond-*.el) belonging to the
lilypond mode have to be in the emacs site-lisp directory
(on my computer, running SUSE 9.3, that's
/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp ).

You have to make sure that lilypond-init.el is loaded. For my
GNU Emacs I added the following line in "site-start.el":
(load "lilypond-init.el" t t)

Maybe this doesn't work with XEmacs but it should be similar.


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