I use global blocks for many things. I tried applying them towards rehearsal marks before writing in and got nothing. You sure you're not using plain \markup for rehearsal marks?


On Aug 17, 2005, at 3:45 AM, D Josiah Boothby wrote:

Will Oram wrote:

Many orchestral scores have tempo changes and rehearsal marks appear twice: once at the top (above the wind section) and once above the string section. It's easy to get lilypond to print \mark once at the top; can it be told to print it multiple times as described above?

Usually the way I do this is to create a variable for rehearsal marks, then treat it like the \global variable. So in the score, you can insert \RehearsalMarks (or whatever you want to call it) into the flute part (or whatever your top line is) and into the first violin part, and you don't have to insert it into any of the other parts. Then, when you want to extract parts, you can put \RehearsalMarks into all of the parts quite easily.


Will Oram // Genius @ Large // AIM spamguy21
spamguy (at) foxchange (dot) com // wro1 (at) cwru (dot) edu

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