Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:

I have windows 2.6.1
I entered

\times 2/3 {f 8 [ges ges]} ges c, f4 f 16 ges d bes
c 16 ges f 8 es 16 f d es c 8 c' a bes 8~ \fermata
bes 8  es,( ges bes ) es, ( ges bes ) es,
ges 8  d' ( es d ) c 4 ~ c 16 d 8. ~
\time 7/16
d 16 [ es, 32 es d 16 ] ~ d 8 [ c 32 c bes 16 ]~
\time 5/4
b 8 a ~ a 4. \breathe \times 2/3 d 8 [c d ] \times 2/3 es [ ges bes ] a ~
\time 5/8
a 8 \times 2/3 ges [ f es ] \times 2/3 c [d c ]
\time 4/4
\times 2/3 es [ ges f ] c' 4 bes 8. bes 16 bes 4

You need curly braces around anything following an operator like \times 2/3 so Lily will know what to apply the operator to (just as you did correctly for the first triplet above). I also suggest you give a time value to anything enclosed in \times x/y { a8 ... }. I would have to guess what type of triplets you wanted

b 8 a ~ a 4. \breathe \times 2/3 { d 8 [c d ] } \times 2/3 { es [ ges bes ] } a ~
\time 5/8
a 8 \times 2/3 { ges [ f es ] } \times 2/3 { c [d c ] }
\time 4/4
\times 2/3 { es [ ges f ] } c' 4 bes 8. bes 16 bes 4

Paul Scott

But in the measure of 5/4 the triplets are beamed correctly but not labeled as triplets and the barline is before not after the a ~ So the 5/8 time signature is now in the middle of the measure and the 4/4 time signature is too. In fact the triplet in the 4/4 measure is not labeled either. So it is as though a triplet beginning on the offbeat is not something recognized by this version?
Or did I enter something wrong?

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