On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 19:10:22 -0700
Jay wrote:

> In Measure 9  the fermata should be over the second d and the two d's 
> are tied.  The same issue in measure ten.
> So can't I do that yet?

I have minimized your interesting example, and it seems to work
very well, fermata and all on the second, tied note.

Look at the attached small png and tell if that was what you wanted.

Maybe you have detected a 2.6.x-bug?

To all message-writers: Please use an informative subject line.

/Donald Axel
dax2-tele2adsl:dk -- http://d-axel.dk/pub/music  Donald Axel

Attachment: fermat-ex2.ly
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fermat-ex2.png
Description: PNG image

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