On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 10:24:15 +0200
dax2 wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 19:10:22 -0700
> Jay wrote:
> > In Measure 9  the fermata should be over the second d and the two d's 
> > are tied.  The same issue in measure ten.

Illustrated in attachment fermat-01-b9.png

> I have minimized your interesting example, and it seems to work
> very well, fermata and all on the second, tied note.
> Look at the attached small png and tell if that was what you wanted.
> Maybe you have detected a 2.6.x-bug?

(No - not a bug:-) Maybe an inconveniency:

Jay wrote a note telling me that there was a mistake here,
it is a dotted eight tied to the next note which happens to
look like a fermata. No bughunting needed.

The example below will show the unwanted readability issue
**only** if included in the very dense default-Lilypond-layout.

See attachment:


which is cut from the original rendering of Jay's music.

%% bar 9 reads as follows:
c 16 d 8. ~ d 16 es es es bes d d d a ges a bes

So there is NO fermata on the second note here, only it looks as
if there were.

However, if there is a little more space around the notes the
problem will disappear.

See e.g. dotandtie.ly and dotandtie-x1.png (attached).
(Only one bar, Lilypond uses more space).

I a more dense environment (like Jay's original long sequence of
music) Lilypond will, sometimes, try to write notes too close to
each other. One could then specify e.g.:

c16 d8. ~ 
   \once \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #0.2
         d16  es  es  es    bes  d  d  d     a  ges  a  bes   |

but I am not an authority on this.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk -- http://d-axel.dk/  Donald Axel

Attachment: fermat-01-b9.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: dotandtie.ly
Description: Binary data

Attachment: dotandtie-x1.png
Description: PNG image

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