I've tried and tried and tried and tried... and I still can't get the figured bass above the bass line.
I've tried following the example in the regression test but since there is no other staves or variables used I can't put the code together that would place the figured bass above the bass line.
My Code is as follows:
\version "2.6.0"
#(set-global-staff-size 16)
#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
\header {
  title = "Sonata I"
hsize = 2\cm
topmargin = 2\cm
bottommargin = 2\cm
leftmargin =2\cm
linewidth =17\cm
violinsolo = \new Voice {  \relative c '' {
\time 4/4
\key f \major
c4. f8 e f r16 f,( c' f)
d8 c bes4 a r8 a'16( f)
g8 c, r f16( d) e8 a, r d16( bes)
c8 f, bes16( g') bes,( a) a8( g) r16 c,( g' bes)
bes16( g) a8 r16 d,( a' c) c( a) bes8 r16 g( d' f~)
f32 e[ g16.] f32[ a16.] g32[ bes16.] a32[ c16] \grace { d16[ c]} b8 g c c,
a'16( f) g( e) f4\trill e r8 c
d4. c'16( e,) f8 c f4~
f8 e16( d) c8[ e] d[ g,] g'4
g8 f16( e) f8 d ees2~
e8 d16( c) d8 c c4( c16 a') bes,( a)
bes2~ bes8 a a16[( bes32 a) e'16 g,]
fis8 d g c bes4 a
<< { gis8 e a a' a4( g } \\ {s2. bes,4 } >>
<< { g'8 f) c8_([ d32 c bes a64 g]) \grace f8 e16 d'_( c e,) f_( c') a_( f) } \\ { a4 s2. } >>
d32( e16 f32) c( c'64 a f32 e64 d) \grace c8 bes8\trill[( bes32 a bes c)] bes8( a) r16 f( c' ees)
e16^\markup{ \smaller \flat }( c) d8 r16 g,( d' f) f16( d) e!8 r16 c( g' bes)
bes16( a c, a') a( g c, g') g( f bes, f') f(e a, ees')
e16^\markup{ \smaller \flat }( d f, d') d( c f, c') b4 a~
a8 bes16( g) \grace a8 g8.\trill f16 e4 c'8 d
a4 g f2^\fermata \bar "||"
\partial 8
c'8 f8. f16 f8 f \grace g8 f16( e) f8 f16.[( g32 a16) g32 f]
g16[ c, c32( b c16)] g'16.[ a32 b16 a32 g] a16[ c, \grace d8 c32( b c16)] \times 2/3 { f16[( g a-.] } \times 2/3 { a16-.[ g f] )}
g16[ c, \grace d8 c32( b c16)] \times 2/3 {g'16[( a b-.]} \times 2/3 {b16-.[ a g])} \grace b8 a32 g f8. r4
a,8-.([ a-.] a16.[ b32) c16 b32 a] g32 e c8. r4
a'8-.([ a-.] a16.[ b32) c16 b32 a] g32 e c8. r8 c'
f16.[( g32 a16) g32 f ] e16.[( f32 g16) f32 e] d16([ g,) \grace a8 g32( fis g16]) d16 g b, g'
g,16([ b') \grace c8 b32( a b16)] g b d, b' g,([ g'' \grace a8 g32( fis g16)] d g b, g'
g,([ b' \grace c8 b32( a b16)] g b d, b' g,,4 r

continuo = {  \relative c {
 \clef "bass"
 \key f \major
f8 g a bes~ bes a16 g a8 f
bes8 a g c, f, f'16 g a8 f~
f8 e16 d e8 d8. s16 c bes c8 bes
bes8 a g f c4 e'
f4 fis4 g bes,
c8 d e f~ f e16 d e8 c
f8 e d g, c4 c'~
c8 bes16( a) bes4. a16( g) a8 f
g8 c, c'4. bes16( a) bes8 g
a8 d, d'4. c16( bes) c8 a
bes2~ bes8 a16( g) a8 fis
g8 f ees d cis cis cis cis
c4 b8 ees d4 d'~
d8 c16( b) c8 d e d e e,
f8 g a bes~ bes a16 g a8 f
bes8 a g c, f4 a,
bes4 b c e
f4 e d c
b a g f
b b'2 a8 b
c,2 f,^\fermata \bar "||"
\partial 8
r8 f''4 e d8 c16 bes a8 f
bes8 g e c f c a f
fb = \figures {
s2 <2 4>8 < 6>8 s4
s4 <7>8 <7>8 s2
<2 5>4. <5>8 <2 5>4 s8 <5>8
<2 5>4 <6>4 <4 6>8 <3 5>8 <6>8 <5>8
<9>8 <8>8 <6>8 <5>8 <9>8 <8>8 <6>8 <5>8
<9>16 <8>16 <9>16 <8>16 <9>16 <8>16 <9>16 <8>16 <2 4!>8 <6>4.
s4  <7>8 <_! 7>8 s2
<2 4>4 <3>8 <4 6>8 <2 5>8 s8 <6>4
<7>4 <3>4 <2 5>4 <6>4
<7>4 <3>4 <2- 4>4 <_- 6>4
<4>4 <3>4 <2 4->4 <6+>4
<9>4 <5>4 <7>8 <6>8 s8 <5 6>8
<2 4->4 <6>8 <6>8 <4 6>4 <3- 5>4
<2 4- 6! >2 <4 6>4 <3 5->4
<9>8 <7>8 <6>8 <6>8 <2 4>8 <6>8 s4
s4 <7>8 <7>8 s4 <6>8 <5->8
<9>8 <8>8 <6>8 <5>8 <9>8 <8>8 <6>8 <5>8
<9>8 <8>8 <6>4 <6>4 <6>4
<5>4 <6>4 <6>4 s4
<7>4 <6>4 <2 4>4 <6>4
<4 6>4 <3 5>4 s2
\score {
 \new StaffGroup <<
 \new Staff << \violinsolo>>
 \new Staff << \fb
 \context Voice { \continuo }
\layout {  }
I think it's in the score section but not to sure. Any help would be appreciated.
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